A socially-distanced performance for schools and venues - we have adapted our Pop-Up Story Theatre to be our main performance format this summer.
Story-telling meets Interactive Theatre!
Our Pop-Up Story Theatre invites members of the audience to be part of the action, so we can enjoy a great story together.
Children can join in with the action, say lines, create the soundscape, and become interactive scenery, as we immerse ourselves in the fun of performing together, in a safe and carefully managed environment.
(These photos are pre-Covid of course!)
Early years and Key stage 1
The Gingerbread Man
The Pirate and the Princess
History: The Great Fire of London
Key Stage 2
Ancient Egypt: The Story of Tutenkhamun
Romans: The Invasion of Britannia
Ancient Greece: Theseus and the Minotaur
The Vikings: Thor and Hrungnir
Saxons: Beowulf
All Pop-Up Story Theatre performances have the following features:
Performances will be outside wherever possible, or otherwise the hall must be available so that we have lots of space.
No more than 32 children per performance, arranged in two discrete ‘bubbles’ of maximum 16, which won't be in contact with each-other
Children can be spaced 2m apart within the 'bubbles' (see plan below), we have 'seating spots' to help make this clear
During performances Ben will be at least 2m distance from the children and staff
Children will join in with the performance from their places (standing, sitting, body percussion, running on the spot, etc) - there is no moving around
Ben will wear PPE in school at times when social distancing is not possible (for example on arrival at school and in reception)
Any props used will be disinfected between uses, and any costumes worn by children will be one child per use and washed between every show. We can provide you with worksheets to make your own props before the show.
We will discuss any additional requirements with you beforehand - we are very flexible and adaptable.